07831 438 552 stiggo@btinternet.com


Making training and self-improvement accessible to all’

W T Scarratt Plant Training was started in 2000 by myself William Scarratt, but you can call me ‘STIG’.

Having had over 40 years of experience operating and management of both Agricultural and Construction Plant Equipment. During which not only have I gained experience, but knowledge and understanding which I hope to pass on and benefit our clients.

Our courses have been tailored to be engaging and informative, providing our clients with a wide range of practical training and assessments by a specialist team of instructors with industry experience.

This enables us to give our clients the best effective training with high level lasting results.

W T Scarratt Plant Training is designed for those looking to improve their skills base and to satisfy the need for businesses to employ certificated operators.

For more details of quality assurance, click on the link below:-

Our courses

Contact Details

Email: stiggo@btinternet.com

Mobile: 07831 438552